Thank you, to begin with, for making a Sunday Start diary refill - I've used this format for years because it perfectly suits how I prefer to view & organise my week.
I want to express particular appreciation for taking customer feedback on board and removing the QR codes that appeared all over the 2025 diaries: to me they're the epitome of everything digitised, privacy-invading, and otherwise odious that I use paper planning to avoid, as well as being visually ugly, and consuming valuable space.
I feel genuinely heard & valued as a customer after my conversation with the awesome Tracy G. last spring & admit I stalked this site since mid-Feb this year waiting for the moment the 2026 diaries were listed, in hopes my fave format had escaped assimilation to the Borg!
My order arrived this morning and I'm thrilled to have my old pal back for next year, I run my life from these and none of the alternatives I tried came close.
The two-colour printing, tiny icons, and even the cute ref: number, with its feeling of continuity over decades of using your planners & refills, right back to the days of paper catalogues, all comprise a whole which is far, FAR greater than the sum of its parts. Thank You!